When all our walls are full.
2008. Installation view.

When all our walls are full.
2008. Installation view.
2008. Installation view.

When all our walls are full.
2008. Installation view.
2008. Installation view.

When all our walls are full.
2008. Installation view.
2008. Installation view.

Crystallized tears, embroidered calico, jars of tears, found cabinet. 2010.

Tomato plant, sewing cabinet, wood, false tomatoes. 2008.

Tomato plant, sewing cabinet, wood, false tomatoes. 2008.
Tomato plant, sewing cabinet, wood, false tomatoes. 2008.

Tidal Self.
Crystallized tears on cotton. 2008.
Crystallized tears on cotton. 2008.

Tidal Self.
Detail. 2008.

Between the Tears I see....
Crystallized tears, embroidery, silk orgnaza. 2009.

That she shed.
Crystalized tears, embroidery on solk organza. 2009.
Crystalized tears, embroidery on solk organza. 2009.

That she shed.
Crystalized tears, embroidery on solk organza. 2009.

Flood the Luminous Body
Crystallized tears on found dress. 2009.

Flood the Luminous Body
Crystallized tears on found dress. Detail. 2009.

Weeping May Endure.
Crochet cotton. 2009.
Crochet cotton. 2009.

Weeping May Endure.
Crochet cotton. 2009.
Crochet cotton. 2009.

What Choice: Fail/Flail
Embroidered Gideon's bible page. 2008.

What Choice: Guilt/Guilty
Embroidered Gideon's bible page. 2008.
Embroidered Gideon's bible page. 2008.

What Choice: Body.
Embroidered Gideon's bible page. 2008.
Embroidered Gideon's bible page. 2008.

In the Distance From Here to My Heart.
Video, crochet cotton, found collar. 2011.